A Page Visit Goal is the easiest goal to setup, and the only requirement is to have the Reactful code on the page.
How does it work?
Once a page is set as a goal, our system will count every unique visit to that page as a goal complete instance.
When should this be used?
Use this goal type in the following cases:
If your checkout process ends in a page like www.example.com/checkout/success
If your registration process ends in a page like www.example.com/registration/thank-you
- If your sign up process ends in a page like www.example.com/signup/completed
If you want to increase visits to your promotions page, i.e. www.example.com/promotions
If you want to increase visits to your latest blog post, i.e. www.example.com/blog/last-blog-post
How do I set this up?
2. Select the page you'd like to set as the goal, either from the list of pages the system recognized, or by entering the page manually.
- When entering a page manually, only enter the path following the domain (i.e., only enter /checkout/success). Then click "select as custom URL".
- If you'd like to set a group of pages as the goal (i.e. all product pages), use a wildcard - /product/*. Then click "select as custom path".
4. Save
The system will recognize this page once a user reaches it for the first time after it has been setup. At this point the goal's status will change to "Data Flowing".
Important - once a visitor reaches the page, the goal is considered "completed"
and reactions associated with this goal won't trigger again during the session.