How does it work?

Once a form is set as a goal, our system will count every unique form submit as a goal complete instance.

When should this be used?

Use this goal type when your objective is to increase form submits, and the user is not directed to a unique "Thank You" or "Confirmation" page. 

This can be applied to any form on the site (registration, checkout, etc.)

How do I set this up?


1. When setting up your goal, select the Form Submit Goal.
2. Select the form you'd like to set as the goal from the list of forms the system recognized.

    • Note that if you have the same form on multiple pages of the site, each form will be recognized separately. In this case it's better to use a Custom JS Goal.

    3. Name the Goal
    4. Save

    The system will recognize this form once a user completes it for the first time after it has been setup. At this point the goal's status will change to "Data Flowing".

    Important - once a visitor submitted the form, the goal is considered "completed" 

    and reactions associated with this goal won't trigger again during the session.